• This is your opportunity to experience a silent retreat here in Orlando, expand your heart and mind, and step into that peaceful space.
  • Clear your Mind by checking our of all Media, and checking into yourself.
  • Cleanse your body with Organic Vegetarian Meals, and Clean Water and Tea.
  • Clear your soul by leaving by the door any of the old practices that you carry with you from your youth that no longer serve you.
Friday you will check into the retreat, meet others on the same journey, have a small meal and start with a class about different types of Meditation and begin your Noble Silence.  There will be space held for Individual Meditation, Prayer, Contemplation & Journaling. Together as aa group there will be group Meditation, Silent Yoga, and Shared Silent Dinner.
  • At the End of the Evening there will be a class on creating your own prayer, affirmations, and mantra.  All day students will be dismissed at that time.
  • The Ultimate Mental Health Day.
  • There is 1 more spot left if you want to experience the whole 3 day retreat, message me directly.
  • What a beautiful gift to give yourself and all those around you.
  • Wear all Black or all White comfortable clothing for yoga and meditation.  Bring a journal, yoga mat, meditation cushions, eye mask, pillows, a small personal item for the alter (not a photograph) what ever you need  for your meditation space.  

Time for a Do-Over?

Have you ever reached the point where you are so caught in your own rut you can’t even see the other side?  You’ve turned right so many times on the road of life you forgot how to turn left?  Do you keep thinking tomorrow…..Book Your Do-over Today at Hemingwayhypnosis.com

Imagine how good it would feel to renew your energy and reset your thinking.  It’s the end of Spring and you are looking summer right between the eyes.  Before you get caught up in Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Graduations,  Summer Break and Houseguests, take a weekend to jump start your Peace.  3 days in Orlando with Meditation, Yoga, Organic Vegetarian Meals, Silence and Personal Growth.

In this weekend you will participate in 24 hours of silence,  8 hours of group Meditations, 4 hours of Yoga, Group cleansing activities with time for personal meditation, journaling and reflection to refill your body and soul.

All meals are included, designed by a vegetarian health coach created especially for this weekend.  Spend the nights for the full retreat experience, or just join us for the days, boarding/pricing options available.

Cleanse your mind from distractions, Cleanse your body from toxins, Cleanse your soul from all the peripheral noise.  Start your summer from scratch ready to create your best  self.

Tracy Hemingway, CCHt



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